Day 2- Hiked alone in the woods and walked about a mile on rocks without shoes

Day 3- Used a chainsaw for the first time
Day 4- Shot an assault riffle for the first time

Day 5-Attempted a make-shift Indian Taco/Received my first piece of Jade along with two rocks that were dremmeled into owls. Thanks Levi!!

Day 6- Went running with Lucy in broad daylight at 10 pm.
Day 7- Received a box of birthday goodies from Beaner!! Thank you lovely

Day 8-First Alaskan Kindergarten/High School Graduation

Day 9- Made a simple dinner for 3 of my students
Day 10- Tommy Island boating, cookout, and quality time
Day 11- Took a day off to relax

Day 12- Mom sent me my birthday box!
Day 13- Kayaking on the lake with Asha, dinner at the McKennetts, lemon cake with lemon icing, topped with gushers

Day 14-Ultimate Frisbee
Day 15- Ceciley sent me an owl journal

Day 16- Aunt Jane and Aunt Patti sent me so many goodies of candy and a lovely Starbucks gift card

Day 17- Flew a plane without any help from the pilot

Day 18-Camping in a remote place overnight with Asha and Aaron

Day 19- Walked 7 miles in the middle of night because the boat could not get us home

Day 20-Followed the Lord's leading when it was not something I wanted to do
Day 21- One of my students got me a lovely gift. She also gave me my Alaskan Grown t-shirt

Day 22- Chicken Curry for the first time

Day 23- Packed the school in order to prepare for demolition

Day 24- Dropped water balloons from an airplane to hit a target, came in second int he fly-in.

Day 25- Hiked Tanalian

Day 26- Lunch at our newly built restaurant/hotel/store. This is our first store and restaurant in our village.

Day 27- Caribou Tacos
Day 28- Moose's Tooth

Day 29- Hawaii
Day 30- Went to a Luau
Day 31- Went for a cruise
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